Bandeau LINDDA


Designing a living infrastructure for responsible digital technologies in agroecological transition

Agroecological transition demands paradigm shifts to prioritize diversity (in production, stakeholders, real implementation conditions, and at the landscape level), to move from local to global scales, and to alternate rapidly between practices and theories. Digital technology can support such changes provided that the scope encompasses multiple technical systems, various practices across multiple sites. Infrastructures that articulate systems and sites, developed incrementally, enable transparent processes and rely on conventions of use.

The LINDDA project starts from the assumption that agroecological transition requires infrastructures with "living" characteristics that need to be characterized. In this perspective, LINDDA combines expertise in interdisciplinary design and conception, modeling, robotics, and ergonomics to conduct research focusing on how to design activities for responsible digital agriculture, considering human participants, living organisms, and non-living elements benefiting from and constituting the infrastructure. It will involve studying interactions marked by the exchange of knowledge and concepts within and outside the infrastructure: media and design and communication tools, values, technologies, interfaces, etc., to foster new proximities of interest in responsible digital agriculture.

The initiative comprises two levels with interdependent activities:

  • Implementation of an interdisciplinary design and research platform with the goals of composing means of mediation for projects in responsible digital agriculture and characterizing the properties of living infrastructures and their modes of design.
  • Realization of two emblematic research projects involving local socio-ecosystems, leveraging the research platform and serving as proofs of concept. These projects explore complementary scales.

The LINDDA project aims to create design and interdisciplinary research resources for the development of digital services for agroecological transition. It will provide means and resources to consolidate scalable and living infrastructures to facilitate coupled innovations and the scaling-up of local initiatives. The expected results of this project will also provide tools for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work and knowledge sharing among researchers, policymakers, other intermediaries, farmers, and citizens through mediation objects actionable by all. These resources will be accessible to other projects in the Agroecology and Digital programme.

The LINDDA project brings together an interdisciplinary consortium from research institutes (Inria and INRAE) and higher education institutions (Université de Cergy, CNAM, LPI). It consists of researchers active in international and national scientific networks, practicing and promoting interdisciplinarity. All partners have previously participated in projects promoting participatory research and will rely on the involvement of students.