Visuel AgroEcoPhen


High-throughput plant phenotyping for agroecology

The national infrastructure PHENOME-EMPHASIS provides the scientific community access to a range of services for phenotyping hundreds of genotypes in nine different facilities, ranging from controlled greenhouse conditions to agronomic field conditions. Agroecological transition relies on evaluating the behavior of species and varieties across a wide range of diverse sites and plots where phenotyping and envirotyping operations will be possible. This transition also requires a broader range of criteria, making it essential to expand the diversity of traits measured in plants and agroecosystems.

The national infrastructure PHENOME-EMPHASIS aims to expand the available services through four work axes:

  • Deploy lightweight phenotyping and envirotyping devices in an increased number of fields within the partner's experimental units.
  • Equip the fruit tree and viticulture communities with phenotyping and envirotyping tools tailored to row crops.
  • Develop specific algorithms that provide access to innovative traits to better describe plant behavior in inherently more variable and stressful environments than traditional agriculture.
  • Adapt digital tools already developed within PHENOME-EMPHASIS for image analysis and information systems to incorporate new developments and traits.

With these new tools and methods developed in AGROECOPHEN, PHENOME-EMPHASIS will be better equipped to support the research of cultivars and innovative management practices to reduce pesticide use and improve adaptation to climate change in large-scale crops, fruit trees, and vineyards.

AGROECOPHEN will be primarily led by INRAE teams but will rely heavily on technical institutes (Arvalis-Institut du végétal and Terres Inovia) and GEVES within several partnership actions.




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