Bandeau WAIT4

Development of methods to characterize cattle behavior and social interactions

PhD research project as part of the WAIT4 project, supervised by INRAE.

  • Title: “Development of methods to characterize cattle behavior and social interactions” ; INRAE.
    • PhD student: Joseph Alyndrée
    • Affiliated unit: INRAE, Bioepar
    • Co-supervision:
      • Aurélien Madouasse (INRAE)
      • Antoine Cornuéjols (INRAE)
      • Christine Martin (AgroParisTech)
    • Doctoral school: Doctoral School of Plant, Animal, Food, Sea, and Environment
    • Project duration: 2023 - 2026

Project summary:

This thesis explores the use of sensors to monitor dairy cow behavior and machine learning techniques to better manage animal health, particularly lameness (a common and painful condition).
Thesis objectives:

  • Behavioral Characterization: Use 3D accelerometers and machine learning methods to detect lameness by studying the rising and lying down movements of cows.
  • Social Interactions: Study the consequences of lameness on interactions among cattle by combining different sensors and machine learning techniques.


  • Data Collection: Record cattle behaviors on dairy farms by equipping them with collars containing sensors.
  • Machine Learning: Use this data to predict behaviors by segmenting time series and applying algorithms or deep learning methods to identify specific patterns.
  • Association Analysis: Evaluate the links between behaviors, social interactions, and lameness.

See also