Winning Projects of the 2024 Doctorate and Postdoctorate Call

The call for projects to fund doctoral theses and postdoctoral contracts was open from March to May 2024. During this first round, the 25 submitted applications were of excellent quality, and after reviews and interviews, the scientific council selected 3 thesis projects and 3 postdoctoral projects. The Agroecology and Digital Research Programme will offer funding each year from 2023 to 2027 for 6 thesis and postdoctoral contracts, with a duration of 3 years for the theses and 2 years for the postdoctoral contracts

List of winning projects in 2023 :

Thesis :
  • Title: "Farmers and social media: leading online communities to build trust and support the development of agroecology" ; INRAE & Université de Bretagne Occidentale.
    • PhD student: Louise Ardoint
    • Affiliated unit:INRAE, UPR 0767 - Écodéveloppement.
    • Co-supervision:
      • Aurélie Cardona (INRAE, Écodéveloppement).
      • Magali Prost (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, CREAD (Centre de recherche sur l'éducation, les apprentissages et la didactique).
    • Doctoral school: ED 537 Culture et Patrimoine, Avignon Université.
    • Project duration : 2024–2027


  • Title: "Insurability of the agro-ecological transition in a context of climate change" ; INRAE & Le Mans Université.


  • Title : "RootSystemTracker: Automatic methods for spatio-temporal reconstruction of root architecture using AI to design agroecological systems" ; Inria & Cirad.
    • PhD student: Gandeel Loaï.
    • Affiliated unit: Université de Montpellier & CNRS, UMR 5506 - LIRMM.
    • Co-supervision:
      • Reza Akbarinia (Inria).
      • Romain Fernandez (Cirad).
    • Doctoral school: I2S – Information Structures Systèmes
    • Project duration : 2024–2027


Post-doctorates :
  • Title: "Digital traceability and logistics work for the agro-ecological transition of cereals" ; INRAE.
    • Postdoctoral researcher: Jeanne Oui
    • Affiliated unit: INRAE, UMR1326 - LISIS (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés).
    • Co-supervisors:
      • Baptiste Kotras (INRAE).
      • Marianne Cerf (INRAE).
    • Project duration : 2025–2027.


  • Title: "Causality models and integration of Omics data to identify the determinants of microbiota recruitment by plants" ; INRAE & Institut Agro Rennes-Angers.
    • Postdoctoral researcher: Marion Naveau.
    • Affiliated unit: Université de Rennes, UMR6625 - IRMAR (IRMAR - Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes).
    • Co-supervisors:
      • Mathieu Emily (Institut Agro Rennes-Angers).
      • Anouk Zancarini (INRAE).
    • Project duration : 2024–2026


  • Title: "Meta-modelling of FSPMs to study plant-plant interactions in oilseed rape and faba bean associations: from the plant to the plot" ; AgroParisTech.
    • Postdoctoral researcher: Meije Gawinowski.
    • Affiliated unit: INRAE, UMR1402 - ECOSYS (Écologie fonctionnelle et écotoxicologie des agroécosystèmes).
    • Co-supervisors:
      • Alexandra Jullien (AgroParisTech).
      • Pierre Barbillon (AgroParisTech).
    • Project duration : 2025–2027.