Winning Projects of the 2023 Doctorate and Postdoctorate Call

The Agroecology and Digital technology research programme will offer annual funding for up to six doctoral and postdoctoral contracts from 2023 to 2027. Doctoral contracts will have a duration of 3 years, while postdoctoral contracts will have a duration of 2 years.

The call for funding doctoral and postdoctoral contracts was open from April to June 2023. During this first campaign, the 18 applications submitted proved to be of excellent quality, and after examination and hearings, the scientific council selected the projects for 4 doctoral contracts and one postdoctoral contract presented below.

Liste des projets lauréats en 2023 :

Thèses :
  • Title: "EAGLE - Artificial Intelligence for Translational Genetics in Agronomy," Université de Toulouse & INRAE;
    • PhD Student: Noémien Maillard;
    • Affiliated Unit: INRAE, GenPhySE (Génétique et Physiologie des systèmes d'Elevage);
    • Co-supervision:
      • Raphael Mourad, Université de Toulouse, MIAT (Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées de Toulouse);
      • Julie Demars, INRAE, GenPhySE (Génétique et Physiologie des systèmes d'Elevage) ;
    • Doctoral School: SEVAB, Université de Toulouse.


  • Title: "Use of Multiple Object Tracking and Subject Re-identification to Elucidate Group Dynamics and Interactions Among Insects," INRAE & Inria;
    • Doctoral Candidate: Yuan Gao;
    • Affiliated Unit: INRAE SophiaAgroBioTech;
    • Co-Supervisors:
      • Vincent Calcagno, INRAE SophiaAgroBioTech;
      • François Bremond, Inria, Sophia Antipolis;
    • Doctoral School: STIC, Université Paris-Saclay.


  • Title : "Construction of a Bioinformatics Pipeline to Predict the Genomic Shift of Cultivated and Wild Fruit Trees in Response to Climate Change," CNRS & Université Grenoble Alpes & IRD;
    • PhD Student: Maxime Criado;
    • Affiliated Unit: INRAE, GQE (Génétique Quantitative et evolution);
    • Co-supervision:
      • Olivier François, Université Grenoble Alpes, TIMC (Recherche Translationnelle et Innovation en Médecine et Complexité);
      • Yann Bourgeois, IRD, Diade (Diversité, Adaptation et DEveloppement des plantes);
    • Doctoral School: SEVE, Université Paris-Saclay


  • Title: "Development of a decision support tool to optimize the grazing of spontaneous vegetation based on a functional classification of pastoral resources," Institut Agro Montpellier & AgroParisTech;
    • Doctoral candidate: Elisa Deschamps;
    • Affiliated unit: INRAE, SELMET (Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux);
    • Co-supervisors:
      • Magali Jouven, Institut Agro Montpellier, SELMET (Systèmes d’élevage méditerranéens et tropicaux);
      • Lucile Sautot, AgroParisTech, TETIS (Information Spatiale au service des Territoires et de l'Environnement);
    • Doctoral School: GAIA, Université de Montpellier.


Post-doctorat :
  • Title: "Modeling the Dynamics of Potato Cyst Nematodes to Optimize Trap Plant Utilization," Institute Agro Rennes & Université de Rennes;
    • Postdoctoral Researcher: Yves Fotso Fotso;
    • Affiliated Unit: INRAE, IGEPP (Institute of Genetics, Environment, and Plant Protection);
    • Co-Supervisors:
      • Frédéric Hamelin, Institute Agro Rennes, IGEPP (Institute of Genetics, Environment, and Plant Protection);
      • François Castella, University of Rennes, IRMAR (Rennes Institute of Mathematics Research).